
Led by You and Me
In the upcoming 2024 election, Tony Ko and Joyce Xie are seeking the position of New York State Committee 49th Assembly District County District Leader. Our campaign endeavors to galvanize individuals for substantive change. We invite you to join us in shaping a brighter future.
我们,Tony Ko 和 Joyce Xie,将于2024年竞选纽约市第49选区的地区领袖。我们的改革性竞选动员了来自各地的人们采取行动,创造有意义且持久的影响。加入我们,共同创造我们所需要的变革。
About Us 关于我们

Tony Ko
Joyce Xie

Tony Ko
Learn more about Tony
Tony Ko, a devoted advocate for his community, has overcome personal adversity to pursue a career in public service. Immigrating from China at a young age, Tony's resilience was tested when he survived a severe car accident in Chinatown, New York City. Following his recovery, Tony's family moved to South Brooklyn, where his commitment to community service flourished. As a parent and active member of various community associations, Tony understands the challenges faced by the residents of New York State committee 49th assembly district county district leader. His volunteer work at senior centers and collaboration with the NYPD demonstrate his dedication to enhancing community safety. Through his candidacy for District Leader, Tony aims to empower and uplift his constituents, ensuring a brighter future for Assembly District 49. With a deep-rooted connection to the district and unwavering commitment to public service, Tony Ko is poised to bring about positive change and progress in his community.
Tony Ko是他社区的忠实倡导者,他克服了个人逆境,追求了公共服务的职业生涯。年轻时从中国移民到美国后,Tony在纽约市唐人街经历了一次严重的车祸,考验了他的韧性。康复后,Tony的家人搬到了布鲁克林南部,他在这里对社区服务的承诺得到了发展。作为一位家长和各种社区协会的积极成员,Tony了解第49选区居民面临的挑战。他在老年中心的志愿工作以及与纽约市警察局的合作,展示了他致力于增强社区安全的决心。通过竞选地区领袖,Tony的目标是赋予和提升他的选民,确保第49选区的未来更加光明。凭借对选区的深刻联系和对公共服务的坚定承诺,Tony有望在他的社区带来积极的变革和进步。
Joyce Xie
Learn more about Joyce
Joyce Xie, originally from Fujian Province, China, has become a dedicated advocate for her community in Brooklyn, New York. After immigrating to the USA at 18, she worked in various industries before finding her passion in financial services, assisting working-class immigrant families. A mother of three, Joyce is deeply involved in education advocacy and civic engagement, serving on the Community Education Council for District 20 (CEC20) and working with the US Census and New York State Board of Elections. With her commitment to individualized education, fair elections, and public safety, Joyce is well-equipped to serve as Democratic District Leader in Assembly District 49, addressing the community's concerns with empathy and determination.
出生于中国福建省的 Joyce Xie 已成为纽约布鲁克林社区的坚定倡导者。18岁移民美国后,她曾在多个行业工作,最终在金融服务领域找到了自己的激情,帮助工薪移民家庭。作为三个孩子的母亲,Joyce 深度参与教育倡导和公民参与,担任第20区社区教育委员会(CEC20)成员,并与美国人口普查局和纽约州选举委员会合作。凭借她对个性化教育、公平选举和公共安全的承诺,Joyce 充分具备了在第49选区担任民主党地区领袖的条件,以同理心和决心解决社区的关切。

Empowering the Community 赋予社区力量
Since 2023, Tony Ko and Joyce Xie have led impactful campaigns that have resulted in tangible change in Brooklyn, New York. Through a series of events, news, and online petitions coordinated by our committed members, we strive to hold leaders and decision-makers accountable for their actions, inspiring them to reconsider what is possible.
自2023年以来,Tony Ko 和 Joyce Xie 领导了一系列有影响力的活动,导致了纽约布鲁克林地区实质性的变化。通过我们的忠诚成员协调的一系列活动、新闻报道和在线请愿,我们努力让领导者和决策者对他们的行为负责,并激励他们重新考虑可能性。
We are dedicated to empowering our community by creating opportunities for growth and change. We believe in a future where everyone has a voice and is heard. Join us in building a better tomorrow.

What We Stand For
Driven by making an impact and inspiring change, our Campaign is always expanding our understanding of contemporary issues and developing campaigns pushing for positive solutions. Learn more about our focus below.
Where to Find Us
(646) 598-6058
833 60th St
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm
Saturday: 10am - 2pm
Sunday: Closed